We will help you develop a plan or review an existing one. We'll consider project feasibility, spacial planning, furniture layout, lighting, ventilation, materials and more.

Permit Processing
We’re on a first-name basis with many people at local and county jurisdictions. We’ve built a reputation for 30 years and it helps to keep the job running smoothly.

Contractor Selection
We work with many contractors of varying experience and expertise and can guide you to the one who fits your project the best.

Working Drawings
You will be provided with a full set of working drawings ready to submit to your building department. We have reliable structural engineers and energy technicians, and we know exactly what your project needs to be approved.

Presentation Drawings
If your group or association can’t quite visualize what the end product will be, we can sketch or computer generate the final product. (See Twin Oaks Country Club wedding venue to compare to computer projection.)

Property Research
Sometimes owners don’t know exactly what they can do with their property because the laws and limitations can be confusing or contradictory. Let our experienced staff investigate for you.